- 当社は、ものづくりを通じて様々な課題を解決し、すべてのお客様が安心できる製品を供給し続ける事を目指して、トップマネジメントのリーダーシップ及びコミットメントのもと、品質マネジメントシステムを構築し、品質目標の設定と計測、定期的なレビュー、継続的な改善を行います。
- タカネ電機品質方針“タカネの3K”(決められた事を、決められたやり方で、必ずやる)をベースに、人材教育を行い従業員の能力を最大限に発揮しお客様のニーズに対応する事で、確かな製品を提供します。
- 製造業の基本である5S活動(整理・整頓・清掃・清潔・躾)を徹底し、お客様に満足していただける製品とサービスを提供します。
- この品質方針は文章化し、全従業員に周知するとともに、社外に公表します。
Quality Policy
Takane Electronics Co., Inc. aims to contribute to build the society with sustainable development through our business activities of manufacturing and selling wire harness, assembly of electronic parts by providing the products with improved quality in order to satisfy the customers expectation.
- Our company, aiming to supply continuously for the reliable products by all customers through our solutions of various issues in manufacturing, builds the quality management system under the leadership and commitment by the top management in which we set the quality objective and inspections based on it, review it regularly, it makes continuous improvements of the products.
- The quality policy of Takane Electronics based on the ‘’ Takane 3K” (What was decided, In the decided way, Do it by all means.) provides the assured products in corresponding customer’s needs through developing human resources for employee performing their maximum capability.
- Takane Electronics will provide the products and services which will satisfy the customers by implementing thoroughly the 5S (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) which is the basic of manufacturing.
- This quality policy is documented, disseminated to all employee as well as publishing outside the company.