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  1. 顧客への身近でより密接なコンタクトの下、柔軟で安定したデリバリーを実現
  2. 社内リソース(4M;人、設備、資金、材料)を最大限活用できる
  3. 地域の特性に応じた強みの活用と弱点の補完で最低コストを追求する






East Asia satellite factories concept

TAKANE Global Network develops the 2 phases of extending to growth expansion period of China and aiming the stable supply from South East Asia.

Especially, the latter required an efficient development in short period. In other words, following 3 requirements were to be satisfied.

  1. Realize flexible and stable delivery to the customer under the immediate, closer contact to them.
  2. To be able to take full advantage within the company resources (4M:Man Machine Money Material).
  3. Pursue minimum cost by utilizing the advantage of the region and compensating the weakness.

Based on this idea, the concept of satellite factories to be done and be the basis of globalization.

The best matching system through automated machines and manual process by operators is being implemented in Dongguan, Suzhou flagship factories for the pre-process hub, Thailand, Laos, Philippines and Vietnam satellite factories for heavy workload(assembly inspection) the post-process.

The flagship factories were able to reduce the capital investment (initial investment) and increase the machine efficiency by utilizing the facilities and in-direct staffs. In satellite factories, focusing more on the post-process which achieves streamline of in-direct manpower. The flagship factories centralize the material procurement in South China with reasonable cost and abundant amount of materials which enables the cheapest price delivery of the satellite factories by cutting their procurement cost.